martes, 30 de junio de 2015

The Speech

Good evening to all of you, my name is Diego and today I want to talk about poverty in Africa.

Well, for you to know poverty is one of the most important issue that we must solve in the sociaty. But the real problem is that most of THIS poverty are concentrated is the continents of Asia and Africa. Just for get clear the definition "poverty is the state or condition of having less or no money, goods or means of support" . And I want to said that the only objective ofthis speech is to inform and educate on causes and effects of poverty in Africa and how it can be improved.

But, what causes poverty? Well, there are meany reasons that causes poverty, but in Africa the mean reasons are the corruption of the governments and the bad use of resources. In one side me have the corruption of the governments that are only interested on them self  and this cause the incapacity develope of the countries of Africa. And on the other side, we have the bad use and distribution of the resources, this is because the all iligal-ecnonomy acts that happends there, like the mines of diamonts and the european oil extraction that it does not pay for taxes.

To finish my speech, I want you to know that the day that Africa do not have this problmes and be on the right hands, its going to be one of the most developed continents on the world, and we are going to stop looking this continent, this countris and this people as some insignificant for us.

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